Wednesday, January 21, 2009

news update

so i refound my blog today, well, actually Jarron helped me figure how to get on. I hadn't posted since like jarron's such a cool guy! he's my favorite starbucks barista too. well, i'm 16 and should be graduating next year. i like LCA. i will be the valedictorian too. can't wait. all that studying sure paid off.

so yesterday was the inauguration. that's pretty neat. now i've been alive during three presiding presidents. oh yea, i heard ruben will be preaching chapel this friday. wait celeste just told me that it's canceled so that stinks. today brother b got mad and gave us all demerits. well school is out so im gonna go. ttyl everybody.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My lovely day @ the office..

Well am working at my school, and well theres really nothing to do do lol, so am just surfing the web and talking to the coolest person in the world lol (Eva ;)) so yea by the way Evas single so yea hit me up if your interested lol she totally awesome lol and absolutely gorgeous, :), so any way as i was talking to Eva and surfing the web i got this strong urge to check my school files and well i asked of course and i did, and let me tell you i was'nt a complete angel lol, i did alot of stupid thing ,well now i think there stupid but wen i did them it was like watever lol. Its Funny how you can look back at all the things that you've done and feel so stupid lol, but when u did them STUPID didnt even cross lol , so now everytime am doing something i know am not suppose to be doing i always think twice lol, althogh thinking twice doesnt help but hey i try lol

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Ok well today i ve been pretty bored... due to the fact that am at work blogging around, which obviously states there nothing to do lol :).. soo well am new to this blogging stuff and well ill try my best to keep u ppl updated......

Joke of the day! lol

A plane is rapidly losing altitude, the pilot comes over the intercom and says "l'm sorry it had to come to this folks, but unfortunately we're gonna have to let some of the luggage go". The plane continues to lose altitude. Again you hear the pilot over the intercom "I hate to have to do this, but now we're gonna have to start releasing passengers by alphabetical order beginning with the letter 'A' .AFRICAN AMERICANS, ANY AFRICAN AMERICAS? No one answers 'B' BLACK PEOPLE ANY BLACK PEOPLE? again, silence. 'C' COLORED PEOPLE, ANY COLORED PEOPLE? silence. A black boy in the back turns to his mother and says "But mom, aren't we african american? Aren't we black? Aren't we colored?" The mother turns to her son and says "yes son, but today we NIGGAS! mexicans go first" The little black boy turns to a little mexican kid sitting next to him and laughs! The mexican kids laughs back andsaid "I'm a WETBACK"

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About Me

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Hi! My name is Stacy, am 15 almost 16 yrs Young, I go to Lighthouse Christian Academy…I love it! it’s the best, I’ve learned so much since I’ve been there ,not only academically but spiritually…,but any who. If you don’t know me am NO where near perfect, I love God and even though its hard am trying to serve him with all of my heart, I eat when am bored,I believe that everything happen for a reason and that sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together, I am vulnerable at believing lies(unfortunately),i can be really random lol, I talk a lot, I like to meet new ppl and hang out wit friends, I love almost all type of music except CLASSICAL(its so boring!)and well I kind of really don’t like gospel…i make up excuses for everything, I have best friends and a couple enemies(not many)lol, i have drama and memory’s and well I guess u can describe me as an average teenager.....